• 奈良の女性専用ゲストハウス






    イベント告知は、facebookページで実施しますので、良かったら、and smiles hostel ページに「いいね!」をしておいてくださいね。


    ”and smiles hostel” are planning to have a small workshop time by time.

    We did a workshop to make a Kakinoha Zushi (Kakinoha : persimmon leaves) today.

    It looks difficult and is regarded as something to buy, while it used to be a typical home-made sushi in Nara about a few decades ago.

    As we learn how to marinate mackerel, how to wrap with persimmon leaf, etc, it was so fun and actually quite easy. And we were all encouraged to make it by ourselves next time!

    Maybe because the lunch of what we made during the workshop was sooooo good!

    真面目に桐山先生の話を聞く参加者の皆さん / Participants listening seriously what the teacher says


    まずは柿の葉を拭きます / First of all, wipe off the dust of persimmon leaves

    そして、しめ鯖の削ぐようにして切ってみましょう / And cut marinated mackerel


    それから、柿の葉でくるんで、少し押して味をなじませます / Then warp mackerel sushi with persimmon leaf, and press a little to go into well.

    冷やしそうめんと柿の葉寿司のランチ♡とても美味しかったです / It was fabulous lunch of chilled Japanese vermicelli and Kakinoha Zushi, and tasted great


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